Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Coming next

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Reading values from Java HashMap in Flex Actionscript

Its very common situation when java application return key-value pair values in a hashmap to web-component. As flex is little different in terms of java structure mapping and doesn't have implicit mapping object for java hashmap. Although it converts it to untype array of object and contains Dictionary which somehow similair to HashMap to hold key-value pair values.

function to read values from java hashmap, you can store it in Flex Dictionary

public function readHashMap(javaServiceResult:Object):void
var classInfo:Object = ObjectUtil.getClassInfo(javaServiceResult);
for each (var properties:QName in
var key:String = properties.localName;
var value:String = javaServiceResult[key];
trace('Key: '+key+' Value: '+value);

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Flex with Granite

Planned for this month

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Flex - Custom Date Validation

Generally, Date validation is not required in Flex because direct entry of date is restricted in DateField and provided through calendar pick box. However, in some cases where developer want to provide search functionality between dates and duration could be in many years suppose 20 or more year. yearNavigationEnabled property does provide direct navigation through instead of month but still in cases of many years, user need to click n times to change dates for n years years, for 20 years 20 clicks that could be annoying.

Solution to this problem is to make enable property 'true' for editing date field direct as input. However, the direct entry in input field raises possibilities of wrong date entry. As client-side validation is key strength of Flex.

Here, I'm trying to cover active date validation of custom date input datefield. Flex validation highlights the field highlighted in Red and developer can add custom validation for alert messages.

Please follow these steps to
1. First add editable="true" in custom DataField

mx:DateField editable="true" showToday="true" id="customDateWithValidation"

2. Add Flex Date Validation
mx:DateValidator source="{customDateWithValidation}" property="text" allowedFormatChars="/" trigger="{customDateWithValidation}" triggerEvent="valueCommit" id="validateCustomDate"

This much will activate the Flex validation and highlight the input field in case of error in Red with error as dataTip.

3. In case developer want to add custom validation, add event with DataField

4. In custom validation method call the alert based on validity of input
protected function validateDate(event:CalendarLayoutChangeEvent):void{
var customDateEvent :ValidationResultEvent = validateCustomDate.validate();
if(customDateEvent.type==ValidationResultEvent.INVALID){"Date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format.");

All this will help developer to achieve Active Validation. However, I'm thinking in lines of passive validation. In this case, user will enter character accidentally only and its known to user dates can be numeric only and system can ignore passively other character apart from number while entering input itself. I will try to code for passive validation in my next blog.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Accessing HTTP Request/Header parameter in Flex

I hope this blog will help flex newbie to understand the ways to pass/access http request/header parameter in flex application.

To access http request/header, following approaches can be used -

  1. Load you flex application in a jsp page and pass the http request/header details through flashvars to flex application. I will discuss this further with code and limitation.
  2. Write a httpservlet and call the servlet from flex application using httpservice and get the response as e4x xml for required parameters.
  3. Instantiate servlet using flex httpservice and store the request/header parameter in it and access them using remoting service via java objects.

These approaches can be used if siteminder token other http request/header information need to be passed to flex application.


A. Passing variable from JSP to Flex, variable can be user defined, system or http request/header variable.

Step 1. Change the html in which flex is embedded to jsp. Nothing required just save it from index.html to index.jsp its done.

Step 2. Define variable in index.jsp in this case we are trying to pass user-agent value to flex app.
<% String parameterA = (String)request.getHeader("user-agent");%>

Step3. Search "if (hasRequestedVersion)" in index.jsp , it will look something like this
else if (hasRequestedVersion) {
// if we've detected an acceptable version
// embed the Flash Content SWF when all tests are passed
"src", "AccessParameter",
"width", "100%",
"height", "100%",
"align", "middle",
"id", "AccessParameter",
"quality", "high",
"bgcolor", "#869ca7",
"name", "AccessParameter",
"type", "application/x-shockwave-flash",
"pluginspage", ""

Add flashVars line for parameterA like this

incase you want to pass html and pass value in it.

Step4. Now we need to access the parameterA value in flex application. It can be either accessed directly at application.mxml file or in actionscript sub classes

To access parameterA values in application mxml, write a method accessJspVariable call it in completionComplete tag of application mxml or in case you have init(), call this method from init() method.

function accessJspVariable():void{
var parameterA=Application.application.parameters.parameterA"Variable passed by JSP :"+parameterA);

Incase you want to access this variable direclty in some actionscript class. First
import mx.core.application;

var parameterA=Application.application.parameters.parameterA;

Source code is upload. HTML file loaded instead of JSP as JSP would require server to run it.